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Finding the Right Teaching Work in China: How to Avoid Mismatches and Maximize Your Experience

Finding the Right Teaching Work in China: How to Avoid Mismatches and Maximize Your Experience

We have discussed before the best way to find teaching work in China, but what is to find the right teaching work in China? Every year, thousands of foreigners come to the Middle Kingdom to teach, and most enjoy their time here. However, I dare to say that this is often more than to do with their social and travel experiences than your working life. For many, finding the right teaching work in China requires more than a shot in the dark.

the cause

the impersonal recruitment process: the first thing you need to know is that the online recruitment techniques used by the majority of Chinese schools are an inaccurate science at best. Many schools and language training centers will hire teachers based solely on a title and teaching certificate. They worry little about the personality or plans of an employee for his time in China.

For some, the whole process is carried out on email without even a telephone interview. As many contractors are administered by recruiters, the first significant contact of a new teacher with his employer will often be when they arrive for their first day of work. As a result, neither the school nor the teacher really knows what they have registered.

Misaligned priorities. This type of recruitment process seems fine at the surface level, but it can cause many mismatches. Take, for instance, the case of two British teachers I met who were in their last twenty years of teaching at an intermediate school in the United Kingdom. They took a break to spend a year attending a conference at a university in Beijing. Their aim was to expand their curricula and horizons while also exploring the Beijing nightlife. These newbie expatriates had high hopes.

they took work working together on a campus in the north of the city. The payment and work descriptions were excellent on paper, but upon arrival they discovered that the apartment had provided for them was in the same complex as the university bedrooms, which closed at 10 pm, without exceptions. This put a giant spoke on his wheels and took months difficult to solve.

Other rookies come to teach in China for what they imagine will be a kind of experience of the beating year with many travel and free time. They are often hired by English training companies, which issue a wide network through English -speaking countries.

Operation First of all as companies, these companies focus on public demand.
This means classes at night, on the weekend and during public holidays to accommodate children outside school hours and adults after work. Many young hiring, therefore, are quickly disappointed, since their cooled international adventure begins to feel hard hard work.

The solutions

store around: while there may be less jobs in the smallest rural cities, there are thousands in the largest cities in China.
It is always advisable to verify several recruitment sites to compare the terms and salaries. Always do due diligence and never blind to the first job on offer.

investigate the city, not only work: it is also advisable to learn as much as possible about the city that is considering doing the house.
China is a country of some quite large contrasts that can affect teachers both socially and financially. For example, a small industrial city in Shanxi will have a much lower living cost than Beijing or Shanghai, but will also provide infinite less food and entertainment options of Western style.

If you are happy to be immersed in Chinese culture, then well.
If not, you may want to consider moving a little more cosmopolitan. Do a full Internet investigation and, if possible, look for some foreigners to know the city well.

Be sure about its exact location: as some of the cities of China are the size of small countries, you also want to make sure you know exactly where your potential employer is within that city.

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Categories: China teaching Recruitment mismatches experience. beijing

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