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Free University Benefit: Is It Too Good to Be True? Concerns About Quality of Education Raised by American State Federation

Free University Benefit: Is It Too Good to Be True? Concerns About Quality of Education Raised by American State Federation

The American State Federation, County and Municipal Employees are fervently pushing their free university benefit on their website, claiming to have saved a whopping $300 million in exorbitant tuition fees, rates, and book expenses for over 100,000 individuals since 2015. Impressive, right? But, some queries linger regarding the quality of education students receive through this program.

Is it really beneficial? Well, that depends on who you ask. The union itself answers with a resounding "yes," but there are concerns about how the program operates. On the bright side, enrollment in the program is free and it's offered in partnership with the Student Resource Center, a for-profit entity.

However, there have been some raised eyebrows about one of the four university partners associated with the Center. Apparently, they prioritize pumping students while reducing expenses. Hmm, sounds a bit sketchy...
Eastern Gateway Community College has been at the center of this controversy, having almost doubled its enrollment through the program. Despite free enrollment, worries persist about the quality of education and effectiveness of degree programs offered through the program.

The program's enrollment numbers have been impressive, but the quality of education needs to be addressed. It's concerning that courses offered are not accredited, potentially impacting students' education and future job prospects.

But let's not jump to conclusions about the for-profit partnership just yet. It's important to consider all factors and weigh the pros and cons before making a judgment. Perhaps investing in PhDs to help students navigate their career paths could be a beneficial solution.

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Categories: American State Federation free university benefit quality of education for-profit entity Eastern Gateway Community College.

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