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Gasoline Prices Soar as Russia Cuts German Offer: Is Russia Using Gas as a Political Weapon?

Gasoline Prices Soar as Russia Cuts German Offer: Is Russia Using Gas as a Political Weapon?

gasoline prices shoot when Russia reduces the German offer

By Noor Nanjibusiness Reporter, BBC News

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    <<< P> << H2 Class = "SSRCSS-Q4ZZ1Q-STYLEDHADING E1FJ1FC10"> To reproduce this video, you must enable JavaScript in your browser. Possible possible energy this winter, says Iea Head.

    Gas prices is week.

    European gasoline prices increased almost 2%, quoting near the high set after Russia invaded Ukraine.

    Critics accuse the Russian government of the use of gas as a political weapon.

    Russia has been the cut of flows through the Nord Stream 1 to Germany pipe, with now operating less than a fifth of its normal capacity.

    Before the Ukraine War, Germany imported half of its Russian gas and most arrived through Nord Stream 1, with the rest from Terrestrial pipes.

    At the end of June, which had been reduced by just over a quarter.

    The Russian energy firm Gazprom has tried to justify the last cut saying that it was necessary to allow maintenance work in a turbine.

    The German government, however, said there was no technical reason to limit the offer.

    Ukraine has accused Moscow of riding a "gas war" against Europe and cutting supplies to inflict "people".

    will be totally independent of Russian gas by the end of the year.

    Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: "Even now, Russia is no longer able to blackmail ourselves in the way it chantea to Germany, for example." Ly> How is Russia cutting gas to Europe

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  • Russia Waging Gas War with supply clippings -Paragraph EQ5iqo00 "> The United Kingdom would not be directly affected by the interruption of the gas supply, since it imports less than 5% of its gas from Russia. However, it would be affected by prices that increase in global markets as demand increases in Europe.

    Wholesale Gas prices closed to € 204.85 (£ 172.08) per Megawatt time: the third highest price registered. The maximum of all time was achieved on March 8 when prices closed at € 210.50 (£ 176.76) by Megavatio Hora.

    The price in Europe was just above € 37 (£ 31.08) per megavatio hour.

    United Kingdom gasoline prices increased by 7% on Wednesday, so the price is now more than six times more than a year ago. However, it is still well below the peak that is observed after the invasion of Russia of Ukraine.

    The United Kingdom Energy Law increased by an unprecedented £ 700 in April, and they are from April, and they are expected to rise again with A management consulting that warns that a typical energy bill could reach £

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    Categories: gas prices Russia-Ukraine war Nord Stream 1 European gasoline prices political weapon

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