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How to Find Volunteer Work in Mongolia

How to Find Volunteer Work in Mongolia Whoever said that Mongolia is just about frosty mornings, warm-hearted people, and a bowl of boodog, clearly hasn't heard about the multitude of volunteer programs that this land of blue skies has to offer. If you are an adventure seeker, ready to roll up your sleeves and dive deep into the vibrant culture, then buckle up as we take you on a joyride on 'how to find volunteer work in Mongolia'.

1. Begin with a Bang: Start by researching various organizations that offer volunteer programs in Mongolia. A quick Google search will give you a plethora of results. From wildlife conservation to community building, Mongolia offers a smorgasbord of volunteer programs that will cater to your interests. Don't forget to pack your enthusiasm and a spirit for adventure!

2. Don't Be Shy, Ask Why: Once you've shortlisted a few programs, get in touch with the organizations. Ask them about the specifics of the program, what they expect from the volunteers, the accommodation facilities, and any costs involved. Remember, there's no such thing as a silly question. The only silly thing is not asking a question and ending up stuck in the Gobi desert without a camel!

3. Use the Power of Social Media: Social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn can be a great way to connect with previous volunteers. They can provide firsthand information about their experiences and may even give you a few tips on how to survive Mongolia's infamous winters! Just remember to be polite and thank them for their time. After all, you don't want to start your Mongolian journey on a wrong foot, do you?

4. Let's Talk Money, Honey: While the idea of volunteering sounds noble, it's essential to understand the financial aspects. Most volunteer programs in Mongolia are not free and may require you to cover your travel, accommodation, and living expenses. You might need to swap your designer outfits for a pair of sturdy boots and a warm jacket. But hey, who said fashion and functionality can't go hand in hand?

5. Be a Smart Cookie: Before you say yes to a program, do a thorough background check of the organization. Look for testimonials, reviews, and any red flags. You wouldn't want to land in Mongolia only to find out that your chosen 'wildlife conservation program' actually involves chasing after the elusive Snow Leopard with a camera!

6. Pack Your Bags and Your Spirit: Finally, once you've done all the groundwork, it's time to pack your bags and embark on your Mongolian adventure. Remember, the most important thing you need to bring is a spirit of adventure and an open mind. Mongolia is a land of rich culture, breathtaking landscapes, and warm-hearted people.

Speaking of cultural experiences, have you ever wondered what it's like to teach English in China? Just like Mongolia, China offers some truly enriching volunteer experiences. Check out this article: "Teaching China: Au Pair in China Experience: What's It Like?" for a glimpse into the life of a volunteer in China. You never know, you might find yourself teaching English to nomadic children in Mongolia or playing hide and seek with pandas in China!

Here's a joke to lighten your spirit: Why don't you ever play hide and seek with a Mongolian? Because no matter where you hide, they always find you and invite you for a cup of airag (Mongolian fermented milk)!

As you embark on this journey, remember that volunteering in Mongolia is not just about contributing to a cause. It's about immersing yourself in a new culture, making lifelong friends, and creating memories that you'll cherish forever. So, get ready to dive headfirst into an unforgettable adventure in Mongolia!

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Categories: mongolia volunteer programs adventure China spirit remember mongolian culture thing experiences people ready start organizations wildlife Conservation volunteers Accommodation silly question media journey volunteering might check embark English yourself whoever frosty mornings boodog clearly

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