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Monumental Train Loaded with Chongqing Food and Agricultural Machinery to Reach Laos in Four Days, Thanks to Fastest Customs Authorization Ever

Monumental Train Loaded with Chongqing Food and Agricultural Machinery to Reach Laos in Four Days, Thanks to Fastest Customs Authorization Ever

Did you catch wind of the gargantuan train that just departed from Chongqing? It's destined to make its way all the way down to Votentiane in Laos! Not only that, but it's being operated by none other than the esteemed Mar del Rerroviario International company and they've just snagged the fastest customs authorization ever! This is absolutely monumental for the trade relationship between China and Laos. I'm left pondering how long it'll be before the train finally reaches its destination in Votentiane and precisely what kind of cargo it's hauling. The opportunities for international trade are limitless.
It's incredible to see how interconnected our world has become.

The train loaded with local Chongqing food and agricultural machinery will arrive in Votiane along the Chinese-Laos railroad in four days.

is the first railway load train along the railroad to adopt a new liquidation mode launched by the General Administration of Customs in recent years, by the What the efficiency of authorization has improved, especially for trains that transport containers.

" Detention time in one or two days, "said Xiayong, a member of the staff of the Transport Service operation.

"But with the new mode, trains can be directly released in the border port, which also saves more than 200 yuan (approximately 30 US dollars) for each unit Twenty feet equivalent (TEU) Container, "you said.

A total of 54 international railway loads left Chongqing for Laos in the first four months of this year, with a value of 1,422 containers Teu more than 250 million of yuan, according to Chongqing Customs. ENITERM

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Categories: train International Trade China Laos customs authorization. chongqing

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