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Policy changes benefit migrant seniors

Policy changes benefit migrant seniors Yang Zekun

As younger find work and settled in large cities, their parents follow them to their new location to offer support, since many older people take for granted that they must help take care of their grandchildren. P>

as of November 2020, around 264 million people in China were 60 years old or more, representing 18.7 percent of the population, according to the National Statistics Office.

Policy formulators and government departments have recognized that more older people travel to cities. As a result, the support of related policies has increased, so this major migrant population can better integrate into new life environments.

During my interviews, I learned that medical services and convenient social activities are the most important problems for the elderly. People when they move to large cities, because they are accustomed to the ease of access in terms of visiting a doctor or chatting with their neighbors.

In recent years, many policies and measures at the national level have been introduced to several provinces and cities to introduce a preferential treatment for older people in a wide age range.

local governments have also been refining policies to provide older people who have moved to cities with an equal level of services in fields, as related. Medical care and treatment.

to June, 315 planning regions had introduced a multiprovincial settlement of general outpatient rates, which cover 70 percent of those areas throughout the country. Meanwhile, an additional reform of the medical insurance system is being carried out.

In February, 15 government departments, including the National Health Commission, jointly published the healthy aging program for the 14th Quinquenal Plan (2021-25) to respond to the population that ages and meet their needs.

Although all aspects of society are working to help migrants older people, there are still many areas in which an improvement is required to facilitate adaptation to social developments and the needs of the elderly .

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