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Duterte apologises for taking unapproved China jab


                    Duterte apologises for taking unapproved China jab

Philippines' Duterte apologized for taking China not approved JAB Published in 10 hours AGASOSOSHERECLASHARE PAGECOPY Linkabout SharingRelated Topics < Li> Coronavirus pandemic Image CopyRightPaimage CaptionDutterte Transmission Her shooting on Facebook

The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has requested China's embassy to recover the 1,000 vaccines donated by SinoFarm, after it was criticized for taking A vaccine not approved.

In response, Mr. Duterte said that China should in the future, will only send Sinovac vaccines, a separate Chinese vaccine that is in use in the Philippines.

Sinopham has not yet been approved in the Philippines.

It is expected that both Sinopham and Sinovac receive the approval of WHO this week.

Mr. Duterte said that he only obtained the shot Sinoparm under a clause of compassionate use, and that he had advised him to vaccinate himself.

"Do not follow my steps," said Duterte, according to local media reports. "It's dangerous because there are no studies, it might not be good for the body. Just let me be the only person who receives it."

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    explaining Sinopham was not approved and possibly had multiple side effects, he added: "We are going to take them out, so that there are no problems."

    He also accepted the criticism that the use of the unproval vaccine was risky, saying: "Sorry, you're right."

    Both Chinese shots are inactivated vaccines, which work by using dead viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.

    Compared, modern and pcizer vaccines that are being developed in the West are vaccines with mRNA. This means that part of the genetic code of the coronavirus is injected into the body, which triggers the body to start making viral proteins, but not all the virus, which is enough to train the immune system to attack.

    Currently, the only approved vaccines available in the country are AstraZeneca and Sinovac and both are being administered to first-line workers and vulnerable groups.

    According to the local output lapter, it is not clear why Mr. Duterte may not have taken any of the approved vaccines for emergency use.

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    The countries of the Philippines are the worst countries of the South . East Asia with more than 1 million cases and almost 18,000 deaths linked to Covid-19.

    According to the studies cited in the local media, more than half of the Filipinos are not willing to vaccinate against Covid on fears, the shots are not safe.

    The vaccine the vaccine is greatly attributed to a scandal around a vaccine against dengue administered to children in 2016.

    Duperte administration and last year was low Fire When the president's security staff was inoculated with Chinese vaccines long before any Jab had officially reached the country. Media Capttionechina has 16 vaccines in development, but Sinovac and Sinopham are the front corridors

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