High School Chemistry Teacher

Haikou, China | Teaching | 9,000 to 18,000CNY per month

High School Chemistry Teacher

Teaching job in Haikou

Job Description
1. Teach chemistry subjects for International High school students ensuring that planning, preparation, recording assessment and reporting according to their educational needs.
2. Keep appropriate and efficient records on the development, progress and attainment of students, integrating formative assessment into weekly and term planning.
3. Meet challenging but realistic educational targets that demonstrate excellence in pupil academic progress.
4. Help students to succeed in their learning tasks, giving them good experience so that they develop self-respect and foster personal maturity.
5. Develop the curriculum and ensure that it is delivered through an effective timetable. Regularly review curriculum and to make the adjustments accordingly.
6. Prepare students for examinations and for their next level of study.
7. Set and mark work (including examinations where appropriate) to be carried out by the students.
8. Motivate confidence of students and build up trust among colleagues.
9. Offer extra-curricular activities to support the ethos and enrichment of the school?s provision.
10. Provide guidance and advice to students on educational and social matters.

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